Apr 28Liked by Bill Adler

Ahh, Bill, I can always count on you for bizarre and thought-provoking reads. SO many ramifications here. Thanks!

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Thank you, Sharron. I'm not sure what I would do if I were a Caretaker.

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Simple writing style and extraordinary world building. The pacing of the story is just brilliant.

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Thank you. I delighted you enjoyed The Last Lullaby.

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May 6Liked by Bill Adler

What a fantastic story!

I have no idea how you think up these stories but, I’m glad you do.

I feel like I’ve read the back of the book and want to buy it. This would make a brilliant TV series.


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Thank you Julie. I'm delighted you enjoyed The Last Lullaby.

I have my fingers crossed a TV studio spots it.

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An interesting setting for your story. Like Mark, I wondered about the decades the sleepers had slept, and about who manufactured the vaccine (robots?), etc. That didn't detract from the ethical dilemma in which the Caretakers found themselves, however. The division of society reminded me of the division of labor and business into essential and non-essential during the Covid lockdowns. I laughed at Robert's embarrassment at having to wear century-old clothes. Apparently, clothing manufacture was not an essential business.

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More questions than answers is the best way for a story to be (sometimes.)

Speaking the division of labor during Covid, I have a story about that if you're curious. Society has myriad ways of dividing people: https://billadler.substack.com/p/indoor-and-outdoor-people

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Well, your story certainly triggered my analytical mind and sparked my imagination. I'm still pondering aspects of that tale.

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Absolutely brilliant! Lots to chew on in this one, I suspect it will stay with me for quite a while.

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Thank you, Will. I also wonder about this future and the people in it.

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Apr 29Liked by Bill Adler

Sleep! I need more of that. Send me that injection!

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Right? I would like to sleep for a century or few.

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Let em sleep. More wine for the Caretakers 😏. Great story!

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Now you're talking!

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And I woke up!

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Awake is best. :)

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Apr 28Liked by Bill Adler

Wow! What an imagination you have, Bill. Makes me think: Would I want to be a Caretaker or Sleeper? Hmmm...

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I'm the world's lightest sleeper. If there were a chance to sleep really, really well, I'd take it. ;-)

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Bill, so relaxing compared to the last one. I wonder if any Sleeper had died during that long period. This story, despite being non-dramatic, is inducing dramatically increasing number of questions and concerns. Thank you for that.

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Thank you, Stefan. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. It made me think about a lot of issues and values.

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Wake me from my dreams

For they be in truth nightmares

Ever running, never arriving

Ever fearing, never achieving

Wake me now and I promise thee

A world of wonders to behold

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That's an amazing poem. It says it all about sleep.

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All too plausible. Who’d be a Sleeper now? And the budding romance. So much more to know. Great stuff, Bill. Very imaginative.

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Thank you, Barrie. With most of humanity asleep, the world's a quieter, more peaceful place.

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We’re all in on ‘quieter and more peaceful’. That’s why we’re hiding away in the countryside! Have a great week, Bill

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Outstanding take on the post-apocalypse. Dream-stasis is one of my favorite themes in sci-fi. Also, I like how you always launch right into the story, no preamble or ado. Great stuff, Bill.

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Thank you, Sam. The post-apocalypse world is a fun one to imagine and write about.

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Lots of ethical questions to ponder in this one. Like how many caretakers would remain so selfless when they knew they might die. Why not take their fortunes while they sleep? Etc.

Also logistical questions like how the economy work with so many asleep. And if it was possible to keep people asleep indefinitely, I wonder if the human body could survive much longer than if it was awake. Cells would still age and break down.

I know, “Don’t think so hard about it, Starlin. It’s fiction.” 🤣 And another good one.

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I'm a big overthinker when it comes to everything, especially stories I write. It's a challenge to put aside questions and leave them as questions. Plot holes, to be sure, but I also like reading stories that make me want more.

I'm glad you enjoyed this, Mark.

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I try to avoid avoid over analyzing stories. But I tend to think, what would I do? And that opens up the floodgates of scenarios. 🤣

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To sleep or not to sleep... that is the question. Great story, Bill.

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I'm such a light sleeper, that for me it's often not.

Thanks, Alexander. I'm glad you like The Last Lullaby.

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I was scared to read this after the last virus one about the nukes but I liked it a lot, I think there’s a lot of juice left in this story formula too.

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Thanks, Clancy. I'm working toward some humorous or perhaps even romantic stories where nothing bad happens and the lost puppy returns home.

I'm glad you liked it.

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